More Than a Magazine … A Way of Life
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Guide to Self-Sufficient Living: Advice From 9 Modern Homesteaders
No matter where you call home or where you are in your journey toward self-reliance, you’ll find inspiration in these homesteading experts’ insight and advice on self-sufficient living.
Seed Starting Made Simple
Starting seeds indoors is a sure cure for the restlessness that plagues gardeners during the off-season — and it’s practical, too!
Small-Space Gardening
Growing food in small spaces can be fun and productive — you just need a little sunshine and some imagination.
Why I Eat Wild Meat
Veteran hunter and nature writer David Petersen says traditional hunting draws us closer to nature and fulfills one of our fundamental instincts.
A Double-Duty Solar Solution: How to Build a Solar Water Heater
You can build your own space and solar water heater for just a fraction of what you would pay for a commercial solar water heating system.
How to Build a Box
Think “inside the box” to build cabinets, bookshelves, window boxes and more.
Make Your Own No-Space Potato Barrel
How to Make Maple Syrup and 3 Maple-Infused Recipes
How to Build an A-Frame
Less Chewing Equals More Eating (And Other Food Industry Secrets)
News From MOTHER
Hope for the Future
Green Gazette
Is There Poison in Our Food? Concerns About BPA
The Case for a Ban on Fracking
A More Efficient Log Splitter
Roundwood Timber Framing
Veterans to Farmers
Get the Best Open-Pollinated Heirloom Seeds
The Cornucopia Institute Reveals Cereal Crimes
Real Food
Radish Renaissance: 3 New Ways to Enjoy ‘Em
Watermelon Radish Pickles Recipe
Baked Vegetable Chips Recipe
Black Radishes the Russian Way
The Secret to Incredibly Easy Homemade Pizza
Pizza-Making Supplies: Build Your Arsenal
Crop at a Glance
Growing Beets
Growing beets will give you delicious, colorful roots and nutritious greens. Learn how to grow these enticing veggies, including striped and golden varieties, as well as mangels to use as homegrown livestock fodder.
Garden Know-How
Care and Cultivation of Permanent Garden Beds
Choose permanent garden beds and pathways to provide secure habitat for the dynamic soil food web that sustains your crops.
Beautiful and Abundant
Earthships: The Power of Unconventional Ideas
More than 30 years ago, Michael Reynolds followed his vision of sustainable, energy-efficient homes that would work with nature. Today, his Earthships inspire green designers and architects.
Country Lore: Readers’ Tips to Live By
Create Easy, Low-Cost Raised Garden Beds
Simple Laundry Tip: Minimize Wrinkles in Clothes
Mockingbirds Scare Off Berry-Stealing Crows
Straw Bedding: From Doghouse to Garden
Versatile Solar Lights
Turn a Recycled Satellite Dish Into a High-Tech Birdbath
Build a Gazebo Out of a Recycled Satellite Dish
Increase Freezer Efficiency
Make Zucchini Bread Using Recycled Tin Cans
Inexpensive Mini-Greenhouse
Miniature Wire Trees
Victor Hugo