Peter Van Dresser’s Predictions of the Current Energy Crisis

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The piece stands as dramatic proof that — 37 years ago — Mr. van Dresser was accurately predicting today's energy crisis, and outlining possible solutions that most people still haven't considered.

Believe it or not, the following article by Peter van Dresser was originally published — exactly as you see it here — in the June 1938 issue of Free America. Not a word has been changed. The piece stands as dramatic proof that — 37 years ago — Mr. van Dresser was accurately predicting today’s energy crisis, and outlining possible solutions that most people still haven’t considered.

Energy Crisis: the Power Age

As Mr. Stuart Chase has pointed out, the most telling label for the period since the Industrial Revolution is, not the Machine Age or the Iron Age, but the Power Age. Machinery, metallurgy and mass production were known before Watt, but since the invention of the steam engine the amount of mechanical power available to man has increased at an unprecedented rate, until the present estimated horsepower of civilization is at least a billion and a half. The United States has such a liberal share of this flow of engine-generated horsepower that for each man, woman or child in the country there is available energy equivalent to the combined strength of fifty slaves or more.

It is this enormous increase in power which is held, more than any other single factor, to have made possible modern civilization with its equally enormous increase in productivity.

To a considerable extent this is true.

  • Published on Sep 1, 1975
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