Ready, Set, Vote!

Reader Contribution by Staff
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Election Day is only four days away, and if you aren’t one of the more than 15 million people to have already cast a ballot, then you’ve got just a little time left to do some research, find out where you’re supposed to vote, or get answers to any other election questions you may have. Here are a few resources to help you find the information you’re looking for:

Wondering if you really are registered or how to find out? Maybe you’d like to know what other issues will be on the ballot and make sure you understand what exactly you’re voting “Yes” or “No” for. Find links to sample ballots for your precinct along with answers to these and many other election questions in Get Ready to Vote on Election Day.

Yup, you’re registered, but which polling place is yours? Find your voting place in Find out Where and When to Cast Your Vote.

Curious about those ballot initiatives you’ve been hearing about (Vote Yes on 2! Vote No on 3!)? Our sister magazine Utne Reader has found a new online resource for researching all those other questions on the ballot — you know, everything that comes after “Please fill in the oval to the left of the presidential candidate of your choice.” Check out Deciding Ballot Initiatives Before Election Day.

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