Our Economic Future From March of 1978

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The economic future is in turmoil for the United States with the economy taking a nosedive.

“I’ve been a subscriber to your magazine for several years now,” said the letter that accompanied the following article, “and I’ve watched ECONOMIC OUTLOOK with special interest since it first appeared in 1975.

“I believe we’re thinking in a similar vein … and, through cycle research, I’ve drawn a bead on where the economy is headed and when it will arrive there. It’s all explained in the enclosed article, ‘Our Economic Walls of Jericho’, which is excerpted from my book, How to Survive a Spastic Economy.

“Perhaps you’d be interested in including this piece in one of your issues. If so, you might want to hurry a bit since the next recession is just around the corner.”

After reading over the author’s (Mr. David E. Rhoads, of San Diego, Calif.) attached material, we tended to agree with him: No one knows exactly what lies ahead in our economic future, nor precisely when the next major turn will take place. The U.S. economic outlook printed here, however, is about as levelheaded and dispassionate as any we’ve seen recently … contains specific recommendations that can help you protect yourself and your belongings no matter what happens … and makes far more sense than any of the proclamations coming out of Washington these days.

And that’s about all the introduction you need to the following article, other than a little background information on the author. David E. Rhoads has an MBA in finance from Indiana University and — among other positions — has worked as a financial planner and a conductor of cost/profit studies.

  • Published on Mar 1, 1978
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