Earth Gauge Tip of the Week: Smart About Salt

Reader Contribution by Earth Gauge
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During the winter months, salt and sand applied to our roads, driveways and sidewalks contribute to lake and stream pollution.  Fifty pounds of salt – one large bag – can pollute 10,000 gallons of water.  That’s equivalent to one teaspoon of salt in a five-gallon bucket of water.

Viewer Tip:  Many cities and states are working to reduce salt use while still keeping streets and sidewalks safe.  Using less salt at home will help protect water quality in your neighborhood – and it will save money, too!

  • Shovel first.  Clear away as much snow and ice as possible before you use a deicer.  Only use deicer on ice, not snow.
  • Save your salt.  Read the label and use salt sparingly.  Use about 30 percent less salt by wetting it with some water before applying it to icy patches.
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