National Public Lands Day (NPLD) will be held on Saturday, September 24, 2011 in more than 2,000 communities around the U.S. For nearly 20 years, NPLD has been supporting national, state and local public lands by bringing volunteers together to give back and spruce up the lands that belong to all Americans. Volunteers have fun, learn more about their communities and make millions of dollars’ worth of improvements to public lands. This year, NPLD is supporting the Let’s Move Outside initiative led by First Lady Michelle Obama – NPLD volunteer sites will be highlighting fun, free opportunities to be active outdoors that are available to the public.
Viewer Tip: Public Lands make up 30 percent of the nation’s land area! You can lend a hand to public lands on September 24 by participating in an NPLD event in your community. Search volunteer opportunities by state or zip code. Most NPLD events take place rain or shine, so check the local forecast to be prepared.
NPLD is a fee-free day on many federal managed lands. And volunteers who participate are given coupons for second free entry into their favorite federal public land areas that have entrance fees.
National Estuaries Day is also taking place on September 24! Learn more about estuaries and get involved.
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