Short Profiles: Drunk Driving, Farm Animal Rights, and Florida Panther Protection

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Many New York City cabs are now displaying bumper stickers that say Stay Alive — Don’t Drink and Drive. The stickers were supplied free of charge by the WILL ROGERS INSTITUTE as part of its campaign against drunk driving. The institute has also prepared literature on drinking and driving, which is being used by state police in New York, New Jersey, and California.

The Farm Animal Rights Movement — in cooperation with hundreds of other organizations and individuals — sponsored the Great American Meatout on March 20, 1985. Television personality BOB BARKER served as national chairman of the event, which was designed to bring attention to the negative aspects of meat eating and to encourage Americans to reduce meat consumption.

Country star ARCHIE CAMPBELL donated his time last fall to make a series of public service announcements on behalf of the endangered Florida panther. The intention of the announcements was to inform the public about the animal’s plight: It’s believed that only about 30 panthers remain in Florida.

  • Published on May 1, 1985
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