Managing Your Property for Healthy Deer with Dr. Grant Woods, Part 2

Reader Contribution by Fala Burnette and Wolf Branch Homestead
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Dr. Grant Woods of, shown here with an amazing hit list buck taken in 2016 they called “Handy”. His size is an example of letting bucks mature. Photo by

In the first part of this interview series, readers were introduced to wildlife biologist Dr. Grant Woods, founder of who specializes in the management of deer populations and their habitat. Now, learn more about managing a property for healthy deer, along with some other points such as which deer to harvest and basic tips from Dr. Woods himself.

Fala Burnette: Grant, it’s interesting you mention being selective about your trees when managing property for wildlife. This is a great point to save select stands of timber and let them mature. Speaking of the point of maturation, could you tell us a little bit about why letting some of our bucks mature and age could help benefit the herds we manage? How do you determine which deer to harvest versus which to let age out a bit longer?

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