New Directions Radio: NDR Directory of Ham Radio and Information Selectivity

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Although the directory itself will cost some money, a listing in it—with your name, address, phone number, and (if you're a ham operator) call letters, plus up to 100 words of self-description—is free.

The New Directions Radio column shares the latest on radio activities, including the NDR directory of ham radio and information selectivity.

Copthorne Macdonald is an amateur radio enthusiast, inventor of slow scan television, and founder of New Directions Radio. New Directions Radio article MOTHER EARTH NEWS NO. 78, November/December 1982.

Copthorne Macdonald: THE NDR DIRECTORY

A while back Harry Spetla (KA2DRE) suggested that we publish the NDR directory of ham radio: a directory of NDR hams and other folks who are sympathetic with the aims of New Directions Radio. Such a document could–for one thing–serve as a handy reference to our radio friends’ names, addresses, and phone numbers. But beyond that, if the book included notes on each individual’s interests and areas of competence, it would help people locate others with common concerns and/or with expertise in specific fields.

  • Published on Nov 1, 1982
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