More Than a Magazine … A Way of Life
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Homemade Whole-Grain Bread: You Have to Try This Amazing Recipe
Better-tasting, more nutritious bread for just a buck a loaf? Yes, you can! We’ve tapped techniques from bakers past and present to create a versatile recipe for 100 percent whole-grain bread that delivers exceptional flavor and texture.
A Guide to DIY Kit Homes
Do you dream of building your own home but think you can’t afford it? A kit home may be just the key to unlocking that dream. Check out your options in our guide to kit homes for every style, size and budget.
Saving Seeds: 7 Reasons Why and Dozens of Tips for How
Spend less, grow better crops and become more self-reliant by learning how to save your own seeds. When you do, you join a chain of farmers, gardeners and seed savers that dates back to the Stone Age.
Raising Pigs for Pork, Plowing and More
Homegrown hogs will provide the best pork you’ve ever tasted — plus, you can put your pigs to work making compost and plowing new ground.
Guide to Greener Heating: Your Best and Cheapest Home Heating Options
Cleaner, greener home heating options are abundant, but they’re not all equal. Compare the pros and cons of wood heat, energy-efficient furnaces, heat pumps and other alternatives to help you decide which should heat your home.
Raise Your Best Flock Using Broody Hens
Keep a broody hen to hatch, raise and protect your flock’s new generations of chicks. We break down the best broody chicken breeds to help you get started.
19 Ways to Prevent and Treat Colds and Flu
With these preventive measures and simple, natural cold and flu remedies, you can save money, take control of your health, and trim your time spent feeling under the weather this cold and flu season.
Hello, Whole Grains!
Build Durable Drawers
The Dirt on Plant Diseases
Solar Electricity for Your Home
Aloe: A Homegrown First-Aid Kit
Find the Seeds You Need
News From MOTHER
Green Gazette
Teflon Dangers: Deadly to Chickens — And Us
New Electric Car Documentary Shows Progress
The Lost Art of Cooking With Lard
North American Birds in Danger
Certified Humane Raised and Handled Program
Global Water Supply
Food and Environment Reporting Network
Crop at a Glance
All About Growing Eggplant
Discover the best varieties of eggplant and learn how to grow these plump, purple beauties (even in containers!), complete with know-how for preventing pests, saving seeds, and preparing scrumptious baba ghanouj and ratatouille.
Real Food
Cooking With Shallots
Caramelized Shallots Recipe
French Shallot Soup Recipe
Fried Shallots Recipe
Amp Up Your Bread With Sprouted Grains and Multigrains
Garden Know-How
Best Tips for Starting Seeds Indoors
Whether you’re sowing onions in late winter, squash in summer or lettuce in early fall, starting your seeds indoors will award you a prompt start on the season. Here, get the scoop on the germination process, seed-starting mixtures, caring for your seedlings and more.
Country Lore: Readers’ Tips to Live By
Cedar-Sided Poultry House
Pallet-Perfect Poultry Houses
Free Fire Starters
Firewood Carrier
Build a Box for Your Accessories
Creative Holiday Decorations
Handmade Knitted Socks
Use Heat Mats to Help Bread Dough Rise
Easy Homemade Soup Broth
Wine Bottle Garden Border
Fast and Easy Homemade Drain Cleaner
Making New Candles From Old Wax
Beautiful and Abundant
Nature’s Trust Fund: Preserve Land and Water
For generations, farmland and clean water have provided the bank account from which all humanity draws life. We must make sure we don’t bankrupt the system.
Ask Our Experts
Introduce a Rooster to Your Flock
White Paint Keeps Tree Trunks From Cracking
De-Ice Sidewalks and Driveways Naturally
How to Wash Produce Properly
Pros and Cons of Wood Pellet Stoves
Mary Oliver