The Dangers of Glyphosate Herbicide
Recent studies have highlighted many possible dangers of glyphosate herbicide, known commonly as Roundup.
October/November 2013
By Shelley Stonebrook
EPA Raised Residue Limits of Monsanto’s Toxic Chemical Glyphosate Herbicide
The toxic herbicide Roundup is an endocrine disruptor that has been linked to serious health impacts, and now the EPA is raising the allowing residue limits for many crops.
Hazards of the World’s Most Common Herbicide
New scientific studies link Roundup (glyphosate), the most widely used herbicide in the world, to a host of health risks, such as cancer, miscarriages and disruption of human sex hormones.
Roundup Weed Killer Kills More Than Weeds
Alarming new research on the health hazards of Roundup weed killer is shining a harsh light on a regulatory process that was meant to protect us.
Glyphosate Use
This chart shows that glyphosate use in the United States has been steadily increasing every year, for many years.
GMO Debate Continues as Studies of Herbicides Reveal Chronic Health Problems
Despite new studies proving glyphosate to be a harmful herbicide, the FDA has increased the limits allowed in fruits and vegetables — empowering Monsanto and refreshing the GMO debate.
Roundup Is Toxic to Good Bacteria in Soil
Scientists are finding many negative impacts caused by the glyphosate used on Roundup-Ready GM crops.
The Threats From Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods and crops pose serious threats to human and animal health, but Big Ag doesn’t want you to know that.
Pesticide Use Rises as Herbicide-Resistant Weeds Undermine Performance of Major GM Crops
A new Washington State University study shows that the emergence and spread of glyphosate-resistant weeds is strongly correlated with the upward swing in pesticide use.
The Crazy New Research on Roundup
A popular chemical sprayed onto lawns and food crops all across the country may cause a catastrophic situation in your gut.
Photo By Fotolia/chas53
Shelley Stonebrook is MOTHER EARTH NEWS magazine’s main gardening editor. She’s passionate about growing healthy, sustainable food and taking care of our environment. Follow her on Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.