Official Register of Reality Makes Apparent Why CSA Farms are Needed

Reader Contribution by Steven Mcfadden
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When I read that the appalling refugee crisis in Europe could be understood as part of the initial swelling of a tsunami of population shifts compelled by climate change, I realized once again how critical CSA farms may prove to be. For stability, security and basic associative economy, we need many thousands more community supported farms (CSAs) along with the array of other agrarian initiatives that are progressively enhancing community food security.

The Global Refugee Crisis’ Roots in Climate Change

One of the core factors leading to the current refugee crisis was the cruel drought that began in the Middle East in 2007-2008, a drought that endures. Crops withered, livestock perished, children went hungry. In droves, farmers and their families fled first to nearby cities, hoping for work but finding instead poverty and squalor. This desperate condition led to the unrest that sparked the Syrian civil war and that is now driving the migration calamity.

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