Start A Community Theater in the Country

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Members of the Boundary County Community Theater rehearse a scene from Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."

The lights dim . . . the buzz of the audience becomes a suspense-filled, rustling murmur . . . multicolored lights form magical patterns on rich folds of velvet … slowly the curtain rises on the excitement of seeing the events of another time, another place . . . and the play begins!

This always captivating, forever mysterious ritual repeats itself all over the globe: in New York, London, Sao Paulo, Paris, Moscow . . . and in Boundary County, Idaho.

It seems no matter where you live, the thrill of watching or participating in a drama is the same. Our rural theater group’s opening nights are as hectic, the stage fright as real, the curtain calls as heady, and the successes as satisfying as in any big-time production. In fact, our whole theatrical experience may be even more intense . . . since such a “cultural” outlet is sometimes the missing spice that can add a whole lot of zest to country living.

Lost in the Forest

Fantastic endeavors often grow out of boredom and frustration, and that’s exactly what happened in our lives.

  • Published on Mar 1, 1980
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