MOTHER’s Chapter Report: Community Involvement in Clay, New York

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"I guess that just goes to show what we hardworking homesteaders can do when we put our heads (and hands) together."

MOTHER’s Chapter Report shares community Involvement in Clay, New York, where a garden for the needy is established by MOTHER’s local chapter volunteers.

MOTHER’s Chapter Report: Community Involvement in Clay, New York

Here’s some inspiring news from a fledgling chapter in Clay, New York. The club (although it’s still trying to get all its state requirements processed) has proved that its newly assembled membership has what it takes to tackle and successfully see a community-oriented project through to completion. As Mary MacKenzie of the Clay group put it in a recent newsletter:

“Saturday, June 12th, one of our members came up with the terrific idea that we should create and maintain a garden and donate its produce to the needy. Once the suggestion hit the floor, it didn’t take long for a couple who’d just become members of our chapter to offer their land . . . and then someone else’s hand shot up, and suddenly we had seeds for our proposed project. Pretty soon the whole room was buzzing with volunteers . . . folks were pledging their help in planting, weeding, harvesting, or whatever was necessary to be sure the idea developed into a full-fledged happening.

“By Sunday the land was plowed . . . on Monday it was disked, for good measure . . . and come Wednesday night the garden was completely planted. In addition to the seeds that had been promised, other folks donated 196 tomato plants, 72 pepper plants, and 72 cabbage plants. We put in about 800 feet of sweet corn . . . several varieties of squash, pumpkins, and broccoli . . . and more!

  • Published on Sep 1, 1982
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