Brazil Vacation, Israel Solar Tour, Scandinavian Tour, and Other Journeys

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TOP: You will travel by tram in Helsinki during the Scandinavian tour. BOTTOM: Alcohol-powered buses are part of the Brazil vacation.
TOP: You will travel by tram in Helsinki during the Scandinavian tour. BOTTOM: Alcohol-powered buses are part of the Brazil vacation.
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Past solar tours have visited the ancient tombs in Israel's Valley of Kidron.
Past solar tours have visited the ancient tombs in Israel's Valley of Kidron.
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The historic Suomenliina Castle in Finland is one stop on the Scandinavian tour.
The historic Suomenliina Castle in Finland is one stop on the Scandinavian tour.
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The Princess Marina Hotel in Netanya operates Israel's largest commercial solar heating system.
The Princess Marina Hotel in Netanya operates Israel's largest commercial solar heating system.
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TOP: One of that South Sea island's exotic hotels. BOTTOM: MOTHER EARTH NEWS' explorers will spend their days examining tropical reefs and fishes.
TOP: One of that South Sea island's exotic hotels. BOTTOM: MOTHER EARTH NEWS' explorers will spend their days examining tropical reefs and fishes.
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An outrigger graces a lovely beach on Bora Bora.
An outrigger graces a lovely beach on Bora Bora.

MOTHER EARTH NEWS’ ever-expanding program of “tours that teach” has some very special offerings in 1981. However, you’ll have to act quickly if you want to be included on our first trip of the year: a January 16 to February 1 junket into South America’s summertime to take a look at Brazil’s national program for converting to a renewable fuels economy!

A Tropical Brazil Vacation

Just imagine! When snow blankets the north, you can be traveling up the Amazon to Manaus, an old rubber boom town in the heart of a jungle that’s alive with exotic plants, animals, butterflies, and birds.

And — while friends left behind don their heaviest winter apparel — you’ll wade in warm tidal pools on the reef-sheltered beaches that border the old colonial city of Recife. Then, when you’ve had your fill of the brilliant sunshine and dazzling social life on Rio’s “powdered sugar” shore, you might cruise over to Paqueta Island for a bicycle ride through quaint, flower-filled streets … stopping to cool off in an ancient cemetery where candles flicker in the mossy gloom.

All by themselves, such attractions would make MOTHER EARTH NEWS’ trip to the Land of Liquid Sunshine the vacation of a lifetime. But besides visiting beaches, cathedrals, and sidewalk cafes, we’ll be investigating the distilleries — large and small — that turn various Brazilian crops into alcohol fuel … which either provides “20%” gasohol for Brazilian cars or is used, in its pure state, to run totally alcohol-powered vehicles.

  • Published on Nov 1, 1980
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