Blog Action Day: Living Sustainably and Fighting Poverty

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October 15 is Blog Action Day, a day that people all over the world write about a single issue. This year the topic is poverty, and today we have several related blog posts on this subject, especially as it relates to the sustainable living topics we write about here at Mother Earth News.

First, here’s yet another reason to love wind turbines and solar panels. Find out how Renewable Energy Can Help Combat Poverty.

You also can learn more about a practice that is not sustainable, but is unfortunately a reality for many people around the world who live in poverty. Learn more about how you can Become Aware, and Stop Child Labor.

Hunger is another important global issue, and how to feed the world’s people is one of the biggest challenges the global community faces. Tomorrow is an international day to draw attention to the problem of world hunger, so find out how you can Join in for World Food Day on October 16.

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