William S. Coperthwaite – Pioneering Builder, Educator, Thinker

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If you’ve admired (and perhaps lusted after) the sturdy and ever-so-practical circular building called a yurt, you probably have Bill Coperthwaite to thank. And if you are among the many Mother Earth News readers who believe that democracy requires active participation, that joy can be found in hard physical labor, that people need a relationship with the natural world, and that an education system should develop the whole person organically, not authoritatively, you would have discovered in Bill Coperthwaite a kindred soul.

An early contributor to Mother Earth News, William S. Coperthwaite was a shaper of culture and a pathfinder of a workable future. He passed away November 26, 2013 in a one-car accident near his home at Dickinson’s Reach, Bucks Harbor, Maine. He was 83.

  • Published on Dec 11, 2013
Tagged with: contributor, men pioneer, yurts
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