Beetle Conservation Efforts and Rare Species

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Beetle collecting for scientific purposes is not what threatens healthy beetle populations. Rather, man-made habitat degradation, like deforestation, are primary threats to beetles.
Beetle collecting for scientific purposes is not what threatens healthy beetle populations. Rather, man-made habitat degradation, like deforestation, are primary threats to beetles.
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Inadvertent or purposeful introductions of exotic plants and insect species, electric lights that attract species in unnatural concentrations, and persistent adverse weather are some of the things that negatively impact beetle populations.
Inadvertent or purposeful introductions of exotic plants and insect species, electric lights that attract species in unnatural concentrations, and persistent adverse weather are some of the things that negatively impact beetle populations.
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“The Book of Beetles,” edited by Patrice Bouchard, celebrates the beauty and diversity of this marvelous group of insects, covering 600 significant beetle species.
“The Book of Beetles,” edited by Patrice Bouchard, celebrates the beauty and diversity of this marvelous group of insects, covering 600 significant beetle species.

Humans may think they rule the world, but it’s beetles that really dominate it. In The Book of Beetles, editor Patrice Bouchard goes in-depth about these creatures that make up a quarter of the world’s animals. With 400,000 known species, these insects are about as abundant as they are interesting. This excerpt, which provides information on how some beetle species are being threatened by endangerment and extinction, is from the section “Beetle Conservation.”

Beetle Conservation

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species™ is a global effort that provides comprehensive data on the conservation status of plants and animals. As of 2014, the IUCN Red List contains 527 species of beetles, primarily from the families Dytiscidae, Carabidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae, and Curculionidae. They are categorized as Least Concern (209), Near Threatened (38), Vulnerable (45), Endangered (44), Critically Endangered (12), and Extinct (16); the remaining species are listed Data Deficient and lack adequate information on their distribution and abundance.

Rare and Endangered Species

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international trade agreement that aims to ensure international trade in species of wild plants and animals does not threaten their survival. The cites appendices (I–III) afford different levels of protection from overexploitation, where Appendix I lists the most endangered species that are threatened with extinction. For example, all 17 species of the flightless stag beetle Colophon (Lucanidae), which are restricted to isolated mountaintops in South Africa, are listed on both the IUCN Red List as endangered and cites Appendix I, primarily because of the high prices they command in the marketplace. Dynastes satanas (Scarabaeidae), is the only other beetle mentioned by CITES, in Appendix II, which means that it is not necessarily threatened by extinction, but could be if trade is not closely controlled.

  • Published on Feb 6, 2015
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