The Be the Change Project’s Top Tips for Regenerative Living #3 Health and Health Care

Reader Contribution by Kyle Chandler-Isacksen
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This is my third entry in our series, Top Tips for Regenerative Living where we take a deeper dive into what we can do and how we can be to live better for ourselves and the planet.  Each “tip” includes what we’ve learned from our lives with our Be the Change Project, background info giving some of the bigger picture, and usually a suggested stretch or two to help guide changemakers. Tip one. Tip two.

Health and health care are biggies for regenerative living.  Like the biosphere around us, when we’re ill things start to break down.  And there’s serious economic costs, too: health costs average $4,800/year per household and represent 18% of our overall GDP.  So what is our role on a personal level within this big system that helps us live more connected and regenerative lives?

When I present about our lives and work (which includes voluntary poverty, simple living…) people often ask how we navigate health care.  What they usually mean, though, is how do we pay for health insurance.  The short answer is that we don’t; we’re poor so we’re on Medicaid and Medicaid is just about free.  The longer answer, and what I share in detail, is a more holistic approach to healthier lives, communities, and ecosystems.  During the conversation I am also sure to point out that we take our health very seriously and that we are grateful to receive health care as needed.  It is a gift and one we’d like everyone to receive through Universal Health Care, Medicaid for All…whatever we choose to call it.  For us, it’s a human right that‘s encompassed by “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”  

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