Barter Agreements for Wooden Spools, Custom Clothing, and Other Items

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Photo by Fotolia/Alberto Masnovo
A cable installer found people on his route were eager to make barter agreements for his wooden spools after he'd emptied them.

Bill Wodraska shared some of his thoughts regarding one of mankind’s better ideas — barter — and offered up an interesting suggestion: “I’d like to see a continuing feature on barter agreements and skill-and-labor exchanges,” said Bill. “You’re on!” MOTHER EARTH NEWS replied.

Wooden Spools for Coffee

I’m a lineman (more specifically, a cable television lineman), which means that I spend my working hours hanging cables on utility poles. Of course, those wires have to be stored and transported somehow, and once or twice a day I end up with an empty wooden spool on my trailer. That’s my signal for bartering.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1983
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