More Than a Magazine … A Way of Life
Top Story
Start a Self-Sufficient, 1-Acre Homestead
Expert advice on how to establish self-sufficient food production, including guidance on crop rotations, raising livestock and grazing management.
Top Tips for Great Fall Gardens
The steps to a bountiful fall garden are simple: Choose crops suited to fall growing conditions, ensure your chosen site has organically enriched soil and adequate water — and start now!
The 10 Worst Garden Weeds
The votes from more than 2,000 gardeners are in! From crab grass to bindweed to thistle, here are the best control strategies for North America’s worst garden weeds.
Natural Cooling Strategies
Who needs air conditioning? Theses strategies can help you keep your home cool without it.
Build With SIPs
Is this the building technology of the future? Here’s why structural insulated panels are a great option for building sturdy, energy-efficient houses.
Signs of Climate Change
The evidence of climate change is all around us. Here’s a rundown of the dramatic problems we now face, and why we need solutions, not more debate.
The Fats You Need for a Healthy Diet
Delicious news: You may want to bring bacon and butter back to your plate!
From Laundry to Landscape: Tap Into Greywater
Recycling your household water is smart and often surprisingly simple. Find out how you can embrace this “new” source of water.
Food Independence on a 1930s Farm
Fond memories of growing up on a self-sufficient homestead.
Start Your Own Farm Business
Herbs for Eyes: Easy Recipes for Natural Eye Care
Garden Bench Plan: Build This Handy, Lightweight Bench
Fruits for Health: Recipes for Cough Syrup, Teas, Face Masks and More
News From MOTHER
Come One, Come All to the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR!
Green Gazette
Build a Root Cellar: A Complete Guidebook
New Manual Water Pump Provides Thousands With Emergency Water
Earth-Kind Roses Are Beautiful and Low-Maintenance
Growing Season Widens Due to Global Warming
Ford Focuses on the Future
Understanding Radiation Exposure
Choose Local Food and Save!
High-Tech Tree Identification
Crop at a Glance
Growing Winter Grains
Grow wheat, rye, oats and barley to build soil fertility and provide forage for your animals as well as whole grains and flour for your kitchen.
Real Food
Easy Ways to Use Versatile Peanuts
Have Fun, Save Money: Make Your Own Hot Sauce
I Scream, You Scream, Find Artisan Ice Cream!
Country Lore: Readers’ Tips to Live By
A Classy Model-Egg Chicken Coop (Coupe)
Frost-Free Garden Greenhouse
Peeling Tomatoes
Souped-Up Apple Peeler
Mighty Compost Mixer
Foil the Fowl
Frozen Peas Ease Pain
Aggressive Rooster Therapy
Best Plants for Backyard Pollinators
Rancho Cappuccino
Grandpa’s Path to Simplicity
My grandfather valued sustainability before it even had a name. He was adventurous, whimsical and an inspiring example of the joy found in simple living.
Ask Our Experts
Should I Use Sunscreen?
Late-Summer Gardening
Homemade Cleaners
Hand-Held Saws
Dogs and Snakes
Elizabeth Lawrence