ALMANAC for October-November 1998

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Proper attire is important when turkey hunting or the wiley birds may very well thwart your efforts.


1 Mars now pulling close to the slightly brighter star Regulus in east before dawn.

3 Moon near Jupiter tonight; in 1841, the “October Gale” was whaling Nantucket’s ‘worst storm ever. It also sank 40 ships off Cape Cod and dumped 18 inches of snow inland at Middletown, Connecticut.

4 Battle of Germantown in 1777 featured early morning fog which combined with battle smoke to produce poor visibility in which American colonists mistakenly fired upon each other

5 Succoth; St. Francis of Assisi’s Day; FULL MOON (Harvest Moon), 4:12 p.m. EDT.

  • Published on Oct 1, 1998
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