A Fairy’s-Eye View of My Garden

Reader Contribution by Blythe Pelham
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I’ve never been one to enjoy expansive views atop mountains or over valleys. They do catch my eye on occasion—those that are especially ethereal or otherwise eye-catching. Instead, I tend to spend much more time and delight focusing on the micro-world around me.

Every camera I even consider purchasing comes with a macro focus option. I could spend many hours every day dwelling in the up-close and personal spaces around me. In fact, if hiking with another who loves to get to those mountaintop vistas, I prefer to spend a thrilling (yet somewhat dawdling) time pausing here and there for the close-up shots. I’m not a great companion for those who love an invigorating hike up the hill since my ambling gate and constantly stopping for yet-another-shot style can be disruptive to a good heart rate exercise.

I love studying all these things in close detail. They really come alive to me when I see the way their curves create dimensionality. Perhaps my fascination with the micro world around me is a reflection of the way my mind takes notes for future arting. I do reference photographs quite a bit when depicting nature in my work. There is definitely something that activates my drawing juices when looking at nature so closely.

Take Time to Stop and Smell the Roses

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