What’s the one thing that’s a must in this world?
Hmm.. that is a tough question. I’d have to say that it is a must to make time to enjoy your life. Do what you love, whatever makes your soul happy!
What is the best purchase you’ve ever made?
I absolutely love, love, love my Berkey water filter and recommend them to EVERYONE I know.
What brings you the greatest joy?
Connection – with plants, animals and people! I love building relationships with every living being I meet!
What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?
The smell of jasmine makes me melt. Rosemary makes me feel strong. Fresh cut grass – alive and awake!
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
It was actually at the first Mother Earth News Fair I spoke at – Puyallup 2012. Joel Salatin came to my booth and I asked him what was his secret. At the time I was struggling with confidence, both professionally and personally, and he said “once you stop caring what everyone else thinks of you, your life gets a whole lot easier!”
Jessi Bloom is a best-selling author, award-winning ecological landscape designer, and speaker. She owns N.W. Bloom EcoLogical Landscapes, based near Seattle, which is known as an innovator and leader in the field of permaculture, sustainable landscape design, construction, and land management. Her work has been recognized by government agencies and industry organizations, and it makes headlines in national media. She lives near Seattle with her two sons on their permaculture homestead, which is full of functional gardens and rescue animals. For more on Jessi check out MotherEarthNewsFair.com!