5 Questions for Ananta Ripa Ajmera

Reader Contribution by Ananta Ripa Ajmera
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What’s the one thing that’s a must in this world?

Compassion. There is an increasing body of academic research proving the importance of compassion for mental health. Ayurvedic sages, however, have always known this. Ayurveda is defined as a science of healthy living that teaches you how to distinguish between actions that bring you joy and those that bring your sorrow (as our mental states greatly impact our physical wellbeing). And the sages proclaimed happiness-giving actions to be those that benefit you and society. In other words, individual health has always been equated with having a compassionate attitude in all that we do by Ayurveda.

What is the best purchase you’ve ever made?

Marigold flowers. I love having them in a planter on my balcony, and have developed a deep relationship with them. As with many things in the Ayurveda tradition, there’s a spiritual, psychological, and practical component to their healing potential. Marigolds are the color of the sun. Because the sun is considered a symbol of the bright, shining spirit within you, marigolds are the color of spirituality in India. They represent inner spiritual fire. I love making marigold garlands to honor the spiritual dimension of my teachers and ancestors. At a psychological level, marigolds imbue you with a quality known as Sattva, or clarity, optimism and cheerfulness. They are tremendously helpful to smell anytime you experience grief. My teacher shared how she had received a marigold garland from her own teacher the day her mother died, and how wearing it in the following days helped her to cope with grief during childhood. I have also experienced the healing power of marigolds when experiencing sadness. At a practical level, marigolds are a medicine for all of your five senses. They are a truly amazing gift from Mother Nature.

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