A 1983 Ham Radio Directory

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The schedule of the New Directions Radio on-air activities in fall 1983.
The schedule of the New Directions Radio on-air activities in fall 1983.
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Copthorne Macdonald, who has been writing for MOTHER since 1973, is the inventor of slow-scan television, a method of amateur radio transmission that allows ham operators to both hear and see each other during shortwave broadcasts.
Copthorne Macdonald, who has been writing for MOTHER since 1973, is the inventor of slow-scan television, a method of amateur radio transmission that allows ham operators to both hear and see each other during shortwave broadcasts.

<p>Thanks to the combined efforts of several New Directions Radio volunteers, the New Directions Radio Directory has been compiled and printed, and is now ready for mailing! The 12-page “first edition” contains 75 personal listings submitted by NDR enthusiasts living in 29 states of the U.S. (plus a few from Canada, Sweden, and England!).</p>
<p>You may recall that the proposal to prepare such a directory was first made in <a title=”New Directions Radio: NDR Directory of Ham Radio and Information Selectivity” href=”https://www.motherearthnews.com/nature-and-environment/directory-of-ham-radio-zmaz82ndzgoe” target=”_blank”>New Directions Radio: NDR Directory of Ham Radio and Information Selectivity</a>, when Harry Spetla (KA2DRE) noted that it would be a good idea to put together a list of people who share the NDR philosophy. He suggested that the directory should include addresses, phone numbers, and brief descriptions of the current interests and activities of these like-minded radio enthusiasts. Thinking Harry had a good idea, Lee Branum (KL71JG) and I did what we could to get the word out that such a publication was in the works. When listings started coming in, I took care of what little editing was needed, and then used my computer to produce camera-ready copy.</p>
<p>In addition to Lee’s and my efforts, Cassandra Trimble contributed several cartoons, Arnold Timm supplied some sample NDR logos, and Paul Rosenberg (KA2POY) printed, collated, and stapled the initial press run. And now, Harry is taking care of the mailing, money, and most everything else! (Thanks are also due to the many people who donated to the “seed fund” that covered our start-up expenses.)</p>
<p>There are, of course, many more NDR folks than those listed in this first directory. It’s a real shame that everyone didn’t get in, but some people probably didn’t hear about it, while others very likely forgot to write up a listing and mail it. I admit that I was tempted to add more names, but I resisted that impulse, figuring that being included in the NDR directory should, after all, be your decision and not mine! However, if you were one of those left out–and would like to be included–why not sit down and compose a listing right now? Send it to Harry along with your order for a copy of the first edition. (Naturally, I can’t promise there’ll be a second edition, but I strongly suspect there will be!)</p>
<h2>Fall 1983 Net Schedule</h2>

  • Published on Sep 1, 1983
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