I just came across these videos that show the wood gas Isuzu Trooper built by our friends at Beaver Energy in action and had to share them. Be sure to crank up the volume to 11 for the first one!
Another video to watch is a clip from the Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet show: Alan Nursall interviews Chip Beam about wood gas.
You can learn more about wood gas transportation via the resources below:
Wood Gas Generator: Run Your Truck on Firewood! This article explains the basics of wood gasification.
A report from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory provides detailed instructions for construction, installation and operation of a wood-gas generator. (NOTE: this is a 25 MB+ file and thus may not be feasible to download over a slow Internet connection.)
Yahoo Wood Gas discussion group
John Rockhold is a green car enthusiast and Contributing Editor for MOTHER EARTH NEWS. Find him on Google+.