Walking School Buses Make a Big Difference

Reader Contribution by England Porter
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Even before the financial crisis, our schools faced major cuts to their funding. Things that used to seem untouchable are being eliminated or reduced. In some cases basic programs such as physical education classes or school buses are disappearing. Parents, teachers and administers have had to make tough choices on what to cut and what to leave intact. As more and more programs are eliminated, parents and unpaid volunteers take on a larger percentage of the burden.

One way that innovative volunteers have addressed budget cuts is through establishing walking school buses. These volunteers take a designated and consistent route to and from school, picking up children at their homes or at designated “bus stops” along the way. This form of people-powered transportation gets kids safely to school while addressing the dual problems of reduced physical education and cuts to school bus routes.

Safety is a major concern for parents whose children walk to school, according to the website Starting a Walking School Bus. Having a walking school bus or a safe route to school not only addresses these concerns, but also helps build a community around healthy life choices. Adults and children form trusting relationships that allow both parents and children to feel safe — not only on their way to school, but also in their neighborhoods and community.

Volunteers are the backbone of walking school buses. They organize bus routes, work with school administrators and parents and run the routes. The number of volunteers needed to operate a route depends on the number and ages of children who are participating, but every route should be designed to ensure that all of the children involved are cared for by a trusted adult.

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