<a title=”Craig Vetter” href=”https://www.motherearthnews.com/biographies/craig-vetter-bio” target=”_self”>Craig Vetter</a> stopped by the MOTHER EARTH NEWS office yesterday while on his way home to California from mid-Ohio, where he recently held his latest fuel economy competition in conjuction with <a title=”AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days” href=”http://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/events/AMAVintageMotorcycleDays.aspx” target=”_blank”>AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days</a> (July 22-24, 2011). Check out the video below to hear Craig explain the advantages of streamlining for energy efficiency and to see his work in progress, a modified Honda 250 Helix scooter. (The tail is made from milk carton material!) </p>
<p>As for the fuel economy challenge, the winner was Charly Perethian, who achieved 153 mpg on his modified Honda NX250 motorcycle. Our very own <a title=”Jack McCornack” href=”https://www.motherearthnews.com/green-transportation/100-mpg-car” target=”_self”>Jack McCornack</a> of MAX fame was on hand and finished in the top five. More details coming soon from both Craig and Jack. In the meantime, check out more details from <a title=”Craig’s website” href=”http://www.craigvetter.com/pages/2011-%20Fuel%20Economy%20Contests/2011-Mid-Ohio-results.html” target=”_blank”>Craig’s website</a> and in <a title=”Independent Motorcycle Designers Achieve Over 150 M.P.G. at Ohio Challenge” href=”http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/26/independent-motorcycle-designers-achieve-over-150-m-p-g-at-ohio-challenge/?ref=automobiles” target=”_blank”>Independent Motorcycle Designers Achieve Over 150 M.P.G. at Ohio Challenge</a> from the Wheels blog of the NY Times. </p>
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<em>John Rockhold is a green car enthusiast and Contributing Editor for </em>MOTHER EARTH NEWS<em>. Find him on </em>
<a title=”Google+” href=”https://plus.google.com/115685506254736536488/” target=”_blank” rel=”author”>Google+</a>.</p>