I am an American designer and inventor. I love our country and want to do my part to help us stay strong and free. I am here to encourage you to do the same.
This was good advice then. It is good advice now. Especially when 3 out of 4 gallons of fuel we use for transportation is imported. Living beyond our means is making us poor and them rich.
I have suggested a variation of Mr. Franklin’s advice:
“To live better on less energy”
Living better on less energy? These two words don’t seem to go together, Craig. Can it be done?
The answer is “Yes.” Take a look at my current project:
Honda Scooter Vetter Streamlining
The goal is to live better on less energy. The way Honda made this machine, it would go 70 mph and burn fuel at the rate of 52 mpg. Modified with real streamlining (round at the front, pointed at the tail) it will now go 82 mph and burn fuel at the rate of 80 mpg. You wouldn’t think this could be true… it looks so much bigger. But it is true. It also carries four bags of groceries, something no other 2 wheeler does. I really like riding this thing. It is a perfect example of living better on less energy.
The techniques shown here can be applied to any vehicle… cars, buses, trucks. You can do this. Follow the progress.
Now is the time to be learning how to live better on less energy, while it is still cheap and abundant. Don’t want to wait until it is all gone to begin.
People today seem to lack a sense of “greater purpose”. Could “living better with less energy” bring a new hope for the future?

1: To continue to work on my streamliner.
2: To turn it into a kit that you can make at home
3: To convince you of the importance of living within our means
4: To organize challenges where you can meet and compete with others
5: To ignite a sense of noble purpose in you, if you don’t have one already
And… to post responses more consistently, like every weekend. Your role is to tell me what you are thinking.
Now is the time to be solving our problems… while there is power in the grid and fuel at the pump.