People for Bikes: One Million Voices United for Better Bicycling

Reader Contribution by Staff

When we take the time to write a letter to our members of Congress, we all like to think our duly elected officials read and react to our concerns and ideas. But let’s be realistic. Many times, those notes never get past the eyes of administrative staffers. If we’re lucky, we might get a polite form letter with the Congressman’s stamped signature in response.

But rally a million people and deliver your message in dramatic fashion directly to Congress? You better believe policymakers will pay attention. Social change is built on strength of numbers.

That’s the logic behind the People for Bikes campaign: A million voices united to show Congress there’s a big, broad, vocal constituency that cares about bicycling.

For many, the 2010 National Bike Summit had a clear highlight. Ray LaHood, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, didn’t just show up and give lip service to the assembled bicycle advocates. He literally jumped on a table, broadcasting in enthusiastic form his commitment to elevate biking and walking to equal status as the automobile. Not surprisingly, LaHood’s message — and theatrics — drew media headlines and made an impression in the halls of Congress.

Now you can broadcast your message to Congress, too — no table-leaping required.

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