Two Dozen And One Fuel-Saving Tips

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Following these fuel-saving tips on the road will translate directly to money saved at the pump.

With today’s gasoline crisis in mind, MOTHER EARTH NEWS’ editors have compiled a list of 25 of what we feel are probably the simplest–yet most effective–ways of conserving fuel while you travel. The two dozen and one fuel-saving tips that follow–if properly observed–can only save you driving dollars, since they’re designed to modify your motoring habits (rather than suggest you buy expensive add-on equipment) to increase your miles-per-gallon figure.

Of course, our listing is far from all-inclusive … but it does represent a fair sampling of economy driving techniques that should get you farther down the road on a given amount of fuel, no matter what kind of auto you own.

Press the accelerator down slowly when you’re starting off from a dead stop, and try to avoid pushing the pedal more than 1/4 of its full travel whenever possible. This practice will allow the carburetor to operate at its peak fuel efficiency … because it avoids bringing the fuel mixer’s gasoline-gulping power valve into play.

Keep your windows closed when you drive, especially when you’re traveling at highway speeds. Air drag–caused by open windows–can reduce mileage by as much as 10%.

Inflate tires to their maximum recommended limit. The slightly softer ride gained by keeping those rubber “shoes” cushiony can play havoc with gasoline mileage. Also, if you’re in the market for new tires, consider a radial-ply design–or at least a larger-diameter tire–since such items are proven fuel-savers.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1980
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