The BP oil spill and the resulting actions (or lack thereof) of the people our nation trusted have left many Americans disheartened. It seems like every day there is another news story about the wreckage left behind by this manmade disaster. Here at Mother Earth News, we’ve been tracking the story’s progress as well by updating our readers and learning about potential oil spill clean-up methods.
While it’s difficult to imagine that anything good could come out of such an unfortunate situation, we’re willing to look for the positive. After all, mistakes carry wisdom in their wakes.
Studying the causes of the spill can lead us closer to important changes. If you believe, as many do, that the oil spill was the result of a string of mistakes within the government and between big business executives, you can choose to stay informed and vote with your mind and your dollars. If you believe that it is our nation’s dependence on oil that led us to this place, then you can take steps away from that crutch.
At Mother Earth News, we’ve been spreading the word about sustainable energy sources for years. In a recent article, we focused on wind energy as an alternative to offshore drilling (Why Offshore Wind Energy Is a No-Brainer Compared to Offshore Oil Drilling). At this time when the fallibility of depending on oil for energy is so apparent, our nation may be ready for an energy makeover.
We want to know if you’ve changed your energy habits in the months since the BP oil spill began. Do you plan to make changes in the future? Let us know by posting a comment below.
Photo by iStockPhoto/Berndt Akesson.