Bikes Make Life Better is the title of a new, fun video from the People for Bikes campaign.
In my view, bikes create space between obligations, they get us out in the fresh air, they can help us break a sweat or shuttle us fashionably across town. They can transport us to a neighboring community, across our state, or around the world. They inspire art, build community and self-confidence, and, I would wager, transform lives every day.
P.S. Adventure Cycling recommends wearing a helmet while riding your bike. To read about responses to the video — including a rollicking discussion of the use of helmets — check out this blog post from People for Bikes.
P.P.S How have bikes improved your life?
Adventure Cycling Association is the largest membership cycling organization in North America with nearly 45,000 members. Its nonprofit mission is to inspire people of all ages to travel by bicycle. It produces routes and maps for cycling in North America, organizes more than 45 tours annually, and publishes the best bicycle-travel information anywhere, including Adventure Cyclist magazine and The Cyclists’ Yellow Pages online. With 40,699 meticulously mapped miles in the Adventure Cycling Route Network, Adventure Cycling gives cyclists the tools and confidence to create their own bike travel adventures. Contact the office at (800) 755-BIKE (2453),, or visit