Making Your Current Bike Fit You: Adjusting the Bike Seat

Do your knees, shoulders or back hurt from riding your bike? Adjusting the bike seat might begin to fix the problem.

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Whether you are buying your first bicycle, your twentieth bicycle, or you’re getting your old bike out of storage, Dave Glowacz provides the tips for riders of all ages and levels of experience in Urban Bikers’ Tricks and Tips (Wordspace Press, 2010). This excerpt, which explains the ways to improve the comfort level on your bike by adjusting your seat, is from Chapter 1, “Choosing a Bike.”

Typical Fit Problems

Lots of people have bikes that don’t fit right. Usually the frame is too tall, short, or long. A bad fit can hurt your back, neck, or shoulders. Or it can just make you feel strange. So should you get a different bike? Maybe not. First decide whether moving the handlebars and/or seat will fix the problem.

• Bending head up hurts neck

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