MAX Update No. 20: The Most Real Green Car at the EG

Reader Contribution by Staff
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The EG was a hoot and I’m so glad I went. 

EG stands for Entertainment Gathering, as far as I can tell — I was in way over my head. It featured the most eclectic group of presenters I’ve ever seen in one bunch. My personal favorite speaker was Teller, of Penn & Teller, who spoke of how knowing how something is done does not lessen one’s appreciation of the act, even if the act is magic on stage.

Many other presentations were inspiring: One laptop per child? Good idea. Digital motion control in the arts? I’ll use those lessons to make MAX’s next body. Peter Diamondis of the X Prize Foundation? Heck yeah, but he’d already inspired me. International goofy dancing? The world’s not such a bad place, is it? But Teller renewed my dedication to open sourcing the MAX project. If there’s anything about MAX I’m not telling you, it’s not because it’s a trade secret, it’s because I haven’t figured it out yet.

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