Two Eco-Friendly Stationery Collections Now Available

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Keeping in touch through email may be the most eco-friendly solution for correspondence, but sometimes it is hard to resist an elegant piece of stationery. That’s why Smock, a company that provides stationery for weddings, holidays, social events, and many more occasions, has made a commitment to sustainability.

Smock creates its stationery by letterpress, one of the most ancient forms of printing that presses inked artwork and type down into the paper. This technique produces textured, handmade designs that offer a modern look and add a touch of personalization. The process is also viewed as more eco-friendly compared to other methods, such as engraving, thermography and offset printing, because it uses less ink, fewer chemicals and less paper waste. 

The company also uses tree-free and chlorine-free paper, which are 100 percent post-consumer waste; vegetable oil-based and low-VOC inks; and low-VOC and citrus-based solvents. Stationery and envelopes are created from bamboo that is harvested in Thailand, without the use of pesticides or fertilizers, and is extracted from “Panda Safe” varieties of bamboo. “Panda Safe” bamboo are “timber bamboos,” which are a pulpy version of the plant with larger stalks than panda’s like to snack on. In addition, one percent of Smock’s sales go to 1% For The Planet, a company that donates to a number of nonprofits it has researched and approved.

Twelve letterpress designs are featured in the Smock wedding collection and many more additional designs are available for other uses. Wedding stationery pricing begins at $1,320 for 100 invitations, reply cards and corresponding envelopes. The social stationery collection costs around $18 for a set of 8 to 10 cards.

More on communicating green

  • Published on Aug 13, 2008
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