Tuned In, Turned On: Betsy Rosenberg

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Photo by Jeremy Harris

“There are many signs our planet’s in peril, yet there’s so much we can do about it. It’s my job to inform and inspire the public through radio.”
–Betsy Rosenberg

RADIO ACTIVIST: After experiencing a series of “eco-epiphanies,” award-winning broadcast journalist Betsy Rosenberg launched “EcoTalk” (then called “Trash Talk”) for San Francisco’s KCBS Radio on Earth Day 1997. “As a reporter and anchor with the CBS Radio network, I covered breaking news–weather, traffic, murder, mayhem,” she says. “Over the years, I realized the most important story with the most long-term consequences–what’s happening to our environment–got the least mainstream media coverage. I knew there was something I could do about it.”

GREENER AIRWAVES: EcoTalk offers ideas for eco-conscious living and in-depth interviews with environmental pioneers such as Body Shop founder Anita Roddick, environmental writer Bill McKibben, attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr., and Sierra Club director Carl Pope.

GASROOTS LEADER: Rosenberg is also cofounder of Don’t Be Fueled: Mothers for Clean and Safe Vehicles, a “gasroots” campaign to educate Americans about the downside of gas-hungry SUVs and the benefits of hybrid cars. “I’m a recovering SUV driver,” the Toyota Prius owner jokes, adding that her inspiration for Don’t Be Fueled came after the defeat of federal legislation to raise fuel-efficiency standards in 2002.

SOUND BITES: “EcoTalk” airs on Air America affiliate stations nationwide; check www.AirAmericaRadio.com.

  • Published on Jul 1, 2005
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