The New “.eco” Effort

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Courtesy Dot Eco LLC.
Dot Eco LLC is working with other environmentally conscious organizations and people to make the Internet more eco-friendly.

The growing green movement has inspired changes in many aspects of every day life: municipal funding for solar panels is becoming a reality in more and more states; people are more cautious about what kinds of cleaning products they use in their homes; and an increasing number of green hotels are popping up all over the nation. So it was only a matter of time before the Internet got thrown into the mix.

Dot Eco LLC is an organization working towards establishing a “.eco” top level domain that might eventually become as widely accepted as “.com” and “.org.” According to the Dot Eco LLC website, there are many benefits to implementing this new Internet domain. Primarily, it will provide a set forum for eco-minded companies, and make accessing them easier for users. As of now, sites geared toward green ideals are scattered all over the Internet, some sporting “.com” or “.org” domains, making it difficult to tell which are truly invested in the cause. This new domain would alleviate much of that confusion. Another benefit is that more than 50 percent of Dot Eco’s profits would be put toward environmental causes, such as the Surfrider Foundation, which works to preserve and protect the world’s beaches and oceans, and would afford other companies the same option. Dot Eco hopes this will become an important fund raising model in the near future.

But perhaps the most important advantage of this potential new domain would be to solidify the environmental movement in the public’s mind as a top priority. Dot Eco and its supporters hope that this will make the movement and its goals all that more real and accessible to the masses.

Since its birth in 1998, Dot Eco has steadily garnered support from other environmentally conscious companies, organizations, individuals and high-profile celebrities. The Dot Eco family consists of such faces as Davis Guggenheim, director of An Inconvenient Truth, and actor Richard Moore. With the recent addition of Al Gore and his organization, the Alliance for Climate Protection, the group is one step closer to realizing its goals.

To learn more about the cause, or to show your support, visit the Dot Eco LLC website.

  • Published on Mar 25, 2009
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