The Green Tree House

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This inviting home, made from local trees and stone, sits deep in the Vermont woods.
This inviting home, made from local trees and stone, sits deep in the Vermont woods.
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The house follows the site's natural curves, so the entrance opens to the main hallway (above), which runs along the contour line. The main living spaces are on the downhill side of the side, where the view is best.
The house follows the site's natural curves, so the entrance opens to the main hallway (above), which runs along the contour line. The main living spaces are on the downhill side of the side, where the view is best.
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A local craftsperson constructed the unique dining-room table from cherry scrap.
A local craftsperson constructed the unique dining-room table from cherry scrap.
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The slate roof blends quietly with the wooded landscape. When snow covers the roof, the house is camouflaged among the surrounding ridges.
The slate roof blends quietly with the wooded landscape. When snow covers the roof, the house is camouflaged among the surrounding ridges.
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Building the green Tree House, the prospective homeowner did give Sellers a few important guiding principles: He asked that the home reflect the Japanese architectural traditions he'd come to love through visits to his daughter-in-law's homeland — simple, natural materials and a connection to the surrounding environment — and he wanted trees to be in the forefront of the design.
Building the green Tree House, the prospective homeowner did give Sellers a few important guiding principles: He asked that the home reflect the Japanese architectural traditions he'd come to love through visits to his daughter-in-law's homeland — simple, natural materials and a connection to the surrounding environment — and he wanted trees to be in the forefront of the design.

The Green Tree House

When architect David Sellers received an assignment to
build a home in Vermont’s Green Mountains on a sharply

  • Published on Feb 1, 2004
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