We can all agree that the shift from energy-sucking incandescent bulbs to the clean, green power of LED lighting has been a great boon to the planet. But when it comes to buying a bulb, it can feel like you need a textbook to navigate the myriad choices. From the collection of numbers and letters on the packaging that resembles an algebra equation, to all the new vocabulary (just what’s a Kelvin got to do with your bathroom light fixture?), confusion creeps in quickly.
Help is at hand. Use this infographic to brighten your mind (and your bathroom) by cutting through all the jargon and soaking up just the facts in your quest to flip the switch from incandescent to LED.
Jennifer Tuohyshares tips on green living and sustainability. She writes for The Home Depot on topics ranging from upcycling old rainboots to replacing your incandescent light bulbs. If you are switching over to LED light bulbs, you can find a large assortmenthereat The Home Depot. Read all of Jennifer’s MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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