You need:
- Flea market tea cups and saucers
- Arm load of twigs, broken into random lengths (approximately 4 inches long)
- Heavyweight paper
Gently lay the twigs in a circle inside edge of the cup. Work your way around the cup, filling it until it looks like a natural nest. You will need about a handful of twigs per tea cup.
Copy your favorite quotes or poems about spring or birds onto a piece of heavyweight paper. Cut each quote or poem out with scissors that give a decorative edge.
Gift wrap quote or poem in a small box. Gift wrap the box or simply tie a narrow ribbon or yarn bow around the poem and place in the middle of the nest.
To create personalized name tags, dip stamp into blueberry juice, blot it on scrap paper to remove excess juice and carefully stamp the shipping tag’s lower right hand corner. Set aside and let dry. Dip paint brush into blueberry juice, then carefully paint the first initial of each guest’s name on individual tags. Let name tags dry at least one day before the party. Tie one tag on each tea cup handle.
Pick fresh pansies and dip into beaten egg whites. Place pansies on cooling rack upside down. Sprinkle with granulated sugar.
Tum pansies right side up and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Let dry overnight. When dry, store in an airtight container.
More about homemade gifts and home decor
• Follow these tips to create your own home and bathroom decor.
• Create a wall mosaic using recycled cardboard boxes and reeds.
• Turn your household garbage and clutter into useful, beautiful home decor. Try this!