<p>I’ve got clutter on the brain.</p>
<a href=”https://www.motherearthnews.com/green-homes/clearing-the-clutter” target=”_blank”>Last week’s post</a>, about home organizer <a href=”http://www.ahomeforeverything.com/” target=”_blank”>Amy Thomas</a> and my ongoing efforts to organize my home — with her help — was a summary of this long-term quest for a more stream-lined life. After returning last week from a month of travel, it’s time to unpack and work towards some kind of equilibrium again. </p>
<p>I revisited my audio interview with Amy from this summer (before I began this de-cluttering process). <strong>
<strong>Listen to my conversation with Amy:</strong>
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<p>Amy’s philosophy is to focus on what you <em>want </em>from your home and your life, not what you don’t want. You start with a vision and you keep working to reach it. It’s a process, a work in progress. Your house and your life will never be perfect, but they can be closer to how you envision them.</p>
Hearing again Amy’s affirming approach to organization (and life) reminded me of the fact that this quest for organization isn’t happening in a vacuum; it’s happening among the hustle and bustle of every day living.</p>
<p>In our interview, Amy said to me, “Whenever I have time to de-clutter and get things in good working order the way, then I launch from there and start all over again and keep living.”</p>
<p>I keep reminding myself of the note that Amy and I ended our interview on. You regroup, and then you <em>begin again</em>.</p>
<p>Time to relaunch!</p>
<p>For more clean ‘n’ green insights, follow me on Twitter @simransethi.</p>
<p>Co-written by Simran Sethi and Rebecca Evanhoe, Audio interview edited by Jessica Sain-Baird, Photo by Simran Sethi.</p>