Should We Be Unplugging Our Electronics?

Reader Contribution by Naquela Pack
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Here in the Midwest, outside of Oklahoma, we don’t really see many power surges and/or outages. When I was living in Thailand I noticed that everyone unplugs everything after they’ve used it. The TV, coffee machine, fans, and cell phone chargers all get unplugged, no matter how inconvenient it is. It didn’t really seem like an inconvenience to them either, simply a way of life, a habit.  I was curious to the reasons for doing this and what were all the benefits.

In Thailand I did experience a fair share of power surges and once one of the electrical boxes at the school I was teaching at caught fire. So, I knew that unplugging things can help to prevent fires but is that it? I reached out to my social media community and found that a friend, Robin, unplugs anything with a light or display, saving her 40% on her monthly bill. 

My tv and cable box are pictured plugged in and then unplugged. I have become more aware of being intentional about unplugging them when I leave home or before I go to bed, along with other devices in the kitchen that have a light or display. 

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