Get to know Aaron Gould of Biointegra.
What are you going to speak about at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR?
The economics of ecobuilding: What is it? Is it affordable? How do I figure out what I can do? Why should I care? Of course, everyone who is aware of money cares about it in one way or another. How do we use it wisely? We will be tackling these questions, among others.
What are you most looking forward to sharing with FAIR attendees?
Observations informed by timeless truth that will stimulate valuable thinking and outcomes.
Tell us about your background with your particular topic.
I have been building, designing, calculating, and consulting for natural, healthy, and efficient buildings for several years in the Puget Sound area and beyond and bring to the table access to information and knowledge that is often overlooked and rarely put together in an honest and presentable manner for consideration.
Why should fairgoers attend your presentation?
This should be a unique talk that everyone can benefit from, regardless of the scale of your ideas and projects, past and present. We will discuss bottom-up vs. top-down policy approaches to environmental issues, as well as practical aspects to living a healthy lifestyle that is conducive to life without making you a slave to your home.
How will you get to the FAIR, and how far do you have to travel?
Either by Packraft, parasail, feet, or Prius. Probably a combination of the aforementioned. I have to travel about 28 miles.
What are you most looking forward to at the FAIR?
Convergence of examples of ideas being demonstrated and shared.
What advice do you have for attendees?
They will have to attend in order to find out 😉
If you were stranded on a deserted island and could have only one thing, what would you choose?
Rationality….by means of the Word of God, which is contained in Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
Thanks, Aaron. We’ll see you at the FAIR!
Please visit the FAIR website for more information about the Puyallup, Wash. FAIR June 4-5, and upcoming FAIRs in San Rafael, Calif. and Seven Springs, Penn. Tickets are on sale now for all fairs.