Affordable Passive Solar Homes

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Floor plan for and FmHA passive solar home.
Floor plan for and FmHA passive solar home.
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Passive solar homes and meet FmHA design guidelines include wide eves for shade and south facing windows.
Passive solar homes and meet FmHA design guidelines include wide eves for shade and south facing windows.
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The bricks behind these windows collect heat during the day and radiate it back into the house when the thermal shades are drawn.
The bricks behind these windows collect heat during the day and radiate it back into the house when the thermal shades are drawn.
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An FmHA-approved passive solar home.
An FmHA-approved passive solar home.
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Central heat storage wall.
Central heat storage wall.
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The north side of this passive solar home has a minimum of windows to limit heat loss.
The north side of this passive solar home has a minimum of windows to limit heat loss.
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Cabinetmaker Al Marek shows what can be done with a little barn wood and time.
Cabinetmaker Al Marek shows what can be done with a little barn wood and time.
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The "trombette wall" serves as both a storage area and heat storage medium. 
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A wood stove provides backup heating.
A wood stove provides backup heating.

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  • Published on May 1, 1981
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