Let’s Make Secondhand Giving the New Norm

Reader Contribution by Carrie Williams Howe
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Did you know that American’s spend over $1 trillion dollars on holiday gifts every year?  According to the World Economic Forum, over $150 billion of that spending will be spent at large online retail stores.

And here’s the thing – while some of those gifts will be exactly what the recipient wants and needs, many of them will languish in a closet or be “re-gifted” or even worse – thrown out. Even if that gift was exactly what the recipient wanted or needed, there is a pretty good chance someone else had that item in fairly good condition and wasn’t using it anymore.

Instead of continually demanding NEW items from huge retailers, why not shift our focus for the holidays to reducing, reusing, and re-purposing? In other words, let’s make secondhand gift giving the new norm!

And before you ask – I also LOVE homemade and handmade gifts from small local artisans and craftspeople. Keep that on your gift-giving list, too!

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