These sweet, clever ornaments, which started their lives as soda cans, are perfect for your holiday tree or anything else that needs a little extra sparkle this season.
1. Using craft scissors, cut the bottom and top off a soda can. Wear gloves, as the edges will be sharp. Roll the sheet back on itself to help it lie flat.
2. Create a square or diamond-shapped template out of paper, then tape it to the aluminum and cut out two pieces.
3. Cut about 3/16 inch off all edges of one of the two pieces, Put the two pieces together with the printed sides facing each other. Notch the four corners.
4. Fold the edge of the bigger piece over the smaller. Tap all along the edge with a hammer.
5. Place a piece of cardboard under your ornament and pierce the metal with a pushpin to create the punched pattern. Piercing all around the border first will “sew” the two pieces together.
6. Thread a 4-inch piece of thin wire through the hole at the top. Twist to secure. String a few beads on the wire. Make a curlicue at the top to hang your ornament.