Build Your Home Sanctuary

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Studies show that houseplants improve concentration and promote healing.
Studies show that houseplants improve concentration and promote healing.
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The Broda Resin Floor Fountain is self-contained with no need for a permanent water supply. $32,
The Broda Resin Floor Fountain is self-contained with no need for a permanent water supply. $32,
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Some lights let you control the color yourself. Philips Hue lights are energy-efficient LEDs that can be made any color, dimmed electronically and turned on remotely. Visit
Some lights let you control the color yourself. Philips Hue lights are energy-efficient LEDs that can be made any color, dimmed electronically and turned on remotely. Visit
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Keep clutter from piling up by observing your habits and setting a daily cleaning schedule.
Keep clutter from piling up by observing your habits and setting a daily cleaning schedule.
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Keeping fresh-cut flowers in your home can increase compassion and reduce anxiety.
Keeping fresh-cut flowers in your home can increase compassion and reduce anxiety.
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Create a relaxing, organized home by paring down unnecessary possessions, and focusing instead on items that bring you joy.
Create a relaxing, organized home by paring down unnecessary possessions, and focusing instead on items that bring you joy.

We all want our homes to be restful retreats where we can get away from the rush of the world, center ourselves and find serenity. Whether we’re working in a fast-paced environment, volunteering in our communities, raising kids or supporting family members, most of us have daily stresses, and we need to find ways to relax and recharge so we can be our most effective.

But achieving deep relaxation can be difficult if you don’t have a haven from day-to-day chaos. If you walk into a home that presents its own lengthy to-do list the minute you walk in the door, it’s hard to let the worries of the world melt away. Fortunately, we are all masters of our domain, and we have the power to change our surroundings and our habits to make sure we do have a restful retreat, a well-feathered nest where we can curl up, feel safe and allow ourselves to recharge.

Everyone’s idea of a serene environment is a little different, but we hope you’ll use the tips and ideas throughout this article as a starting point for considering—and manifesting—what makes a truly replenishing home for you.

Cleaning & Decluttering

SET A CLEANING ROUTINE: Wouldn’t it be nice to walk into a tidy home every day, rather than one with a sink full of dishes, clothes strewn about and mail stacked on the table? It’s not glamorous, but setting a cleaning routine is the best way to keep chores from feeling overwhelming. Daily tidying habits also keep us from being forced to spend a whole day cleaning every weekend. Set a time limit for daily tasks—20 to 30 minutes is usually sufficient—and list the chores that need to be done daily, weekly and monthly. Assign daily tasks throughout the week and divvy out the weekly and monthly ones, too. Then set aside 20 or 30 minutes for daily chores and enjoy getting in the habit of living in a perpetually clean home. You can find many sample weekly cleaning schedules online; the only important thing is that your schedule works for you.

  • Published on Apr 14, 2016
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