Home-Insulation Considerations for Spring

Reader Contribution by Uma Campbell
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by Adobestock/kishivan

Spring comes around in March and Earth Day follows in April, and while some of us are spring cleaning, others are looking at ways to save energy and helping to protect the environment. According to the Department of Energy, many Americans are leaching up to 30 percent of their heated or cooled air through leaks, cracks or poor insulation.

While you can hire a professional to perform a complete home energy audit, homeowners can conquer this important task themselves by following some simple guidelines, especially when it comes to checking and/or adding additional attic insulation if necessary.

With the advent of multiple consumer-friendly home improvement stores and “big box” chains, this job is easier than ever. It also comes complete with plenty of affordable supplies that were once available only to contractors and building professionals.

Knowing whether or not your attic is properly insulated is one of many ways to save money on power and reduce utility bills, in addition to lowering thermostats and shutting off items when not in use. So here are some tips on how to check your home’s insulation that can help to curb these rising energy costs.

Install the Right-Sized Insulation

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